--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA EMPLOYED FOR THE OBSERVATIONAL ANALYSIS IN HERNÁNDEZ PARDO ET AL. (2021, JGR) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contact: Lianet Hernández Pardo (l.hernandezpardo@mpic.de) 08/September/2021 The files in this directory constitute composites of the CDP, CIPg and BAHAMAS measurements collected by the HALO aircraft during the ACRIDICON-CHUVA campaign. The original files can be found at the HALO database (https://doi.org/10.5065/d6mk6b4k)*, according to the dataset and release numbers in the table below: BAHAMAS CDP CIPg AC7 dataset 1390 dataset 2968 dataset 2956 release 1 release 2 release 3 AC9 dataset 1392 dataset 2970 dataset 2958 release 1 release 2 release 3 AC12 dataset 1394 dataset 2973 dataset 2961 release 2 release 2 release 3 AC13 dataset 1395 dataset 2995 dataset 2996 release 1 release 2 release 2 AC18 dataset 2814 dataset 2976 dataset 2964 release 1 release 2 release 3 AC19 dataset 2815 dataset 2977 dataset 2965 release 1 release 2 release 3 *Some filters applied during standard quality control procedures resulted in significant loss of information for the vertical velocity measurements (BAHAMAS) available in the HALO database. For that reason, the vertical velocity measurements included in these composites correspond to an earlier version of the BAHAMAS data that is not currently available in the HALO database. Using this vertical velocity data was considered appropriate for the purpose of our study (i.e., using only the sign of the vertical velocity inside the clouds), but is not recommended in principle for other applications. Structure of the composite files -------------------------------- Columns: 1 - Time (seconds from midnight - UTC) 2 - Latitude (°) 3 - Longitude (°) 4 - Altitude (m) 5 - Temperature (°C) 6 - Dew Point Temperature (°C) 7 - Pressure (hPa) 8 - Relative Humidity (%) 9 - Water Vapor Mixing Ratio (g/kg) 10 - Wind East Component (m/s) 11 - Wind North Component (m/s) 12 - Vertical Wind Component (m/s) 13 - Leg # 14 - Cloud LWC (g/m3) --From CDP 15 - Cloud D_eff (microns) --From CDP 16 - CDNC (cm-3) --From CDP 17 - Rain LWC (g/m3) --From CIPg 18 - Rain D_eff (microns) --From CIPg 19 - RDNC (cm-3) --From CIPg 20-53 - Particle Size Distributions (dN/dlogD in cm-3) in 34 bins --> 1-15: CDP; 16:34: CIPg