Data from the MRR attached to ADMIRARI during CHUVA experiment in Alcantara. The date is indicated in the filename, for instance the file ZdBz_MRR0320.DAT corresponds to March 20th, then 03 is the month and 20 is the day. The content of the files are as follow: - first row, fist column: Number of reflectivity profiles in the file. - first row, from the second to the end: 31 Radar range in METERS. - from second row to the end of file: - first column: UTC time in hours (e.g. 10.5000 means 10:30 UTC). - second column to the last column: Reflectivity profile for 31 ranges in dBz. In case of non-defined reflectivity a NaN is shown. The MRR was measuring only in case of rain, then the data files have time gaps during no-rainy periods. further question: