Data quality controlled from ADMIRARI radiometer during CHUVA campaign. The data files have the following name: M03Dxx_ADMI_lev01.DAT with xx the day. The first two rows in the file are legends indicating the content. The file data content comprise of 13 columns: - column 1: UTC hour (e.g. 14.5 means 14:30 UTC of the corresponding day) - column 2: Brightness Temperature at 10.7 GHz, unit Kelvin. - column 3: Brightness Temperature at 21.0 GHz, unit Kelvin. - column 4: Brightness Temperature at 36.5 GHz, unit Kelvin. - column 5: Polarization Difference at 10.7 GHz, unit Kelvin. - column 6: Polarization Difference at 21.0 GHz, unit Kelvin. - column 7: Polarization Difference at 36.5 GHz, unit Kelvin. - column 8: Radiometer Elevation angle, unit Degrees. - column 9: Radiometer Azimuth angle, unit Degrees. - column10: Rain flag from the rain sensor, 0=no rain, 1= rain. - column11: Ambient temperature, every ~10 seconds, unit Kelvin. - column12: Pressure, every ~10 seconds, unit mbar. - column13: MRR flag, indicates that at that time a MRR reflectivity profile is available, 0=no reflectivity profile, 1=reflectivity profile available. Undefined values or not available are indicated by NaN. The Micro Rain Radar (MRR) was measuring only when rain was detected, therefore the last column is a flag which indicates if rain was detected along the observation volume. The MRR data are available in its correspondents data files. Questions: Pablo Saavedra Garfias