Data from the Microwave Profiling Radiometer (MP3000A) during CHUVA experiment. The date of the begining of the measurement is indicated in the filename, for instance the file 2010-03-19_11-20-06_lv0.csv corresponds to March 19th, 11:20:06 GMT, then 03 is the month, and 20 is the day, 11 is the hour, and 20 is the minute, and 06 is the second. lv0 - level 0 lv1 - level 1 lv2 - level 2 Level0 files contain raw, unprocessed data in engineering units. files contain 100% of the information needed to reprocess the raw data with alternative calibration information or algorithms. Level0 files contain the following record types: Level0 files contain the following record types: 00 - Record type for all error reports 15 - Header for sky observations 16 - Sky observation 17 - 21 channel sky observation 25 - Header for observation of internal ambient black body 26 - BB observation 30 - Header for tdp command (GPS) records 31 - GPS time/date/position data 40 - Header for surface met records 41 - Tamb, RH, pressure, Tir and rain sensor 60 - Header for LN2 calibrations 61 - Record of LN2 cal data (includes BB, LN2 observations) 90 - Header for housekeeping data (eng command) 91 - Engineering data Level1 files contain real-time brightness temperatures for 35 channel (22-30 GHz and 51-59 GHz band). Real-time level1 files are produced from contemporaneous level0 data and calibration information. Alacantara experiment: Level1 files contain the following record types for 6 elevation angles (30,35,40,45,50 e 90) Fortaleza e Belem experiment: Level1 files contain the following record types for 90 elevation angles 40 Header for surface met records 41 Surface met data record 50 Header for sky observations 51 sky observation data record for each elevation angle, az=0 Level2 files contain records of real-time retrievals of temperature (K), water vapor (g/m3), relative humidity (%) and liquid water (g/m3) profiles. The retrievals are produced using the contemporaneous level1 (90 elevation) data and the neural network files. Level2 files contain the following record types: 100 Header for vector retrieval index 101 Vector retrieval index entry 200 Header for surface met records 201 Tamb, RH, pressure, Tir and rain sensor 300 Header for scalar retrieval records 301 Scalar retrieval data record 400 Header for vector retrieval records (58 heights) 401 Temperature vector retrieval data record (profile) 402 Vapor Density vector retrieval data record (profile) 403 Liquid Density vector retrieval data record (profile) 404 Relative Humidity vector retrieval data record (profile) -fist row: Header data -fist column: Time further question: reference: Operators Manual Copyright March 2008 65 Radiometrics Corporation Microwave Profiling Radiometers