EXPERIMENT: Fortaleza/CE LIDAR level 2 - CLOUD height and width layer The files are encoded in ASCII, tab-separated values, resolution: 1 minute, 7.5m vertical. - There is no header. - if there are no clouds DD-Mon-YYYY hh: mm:ss -99 - otherwise DD-Mon-YYYY hh: mm:ss alt alt_value1.. alt_valueNwidthwidthvalue1....widthvalueN Example: 29-Apr-2011 09:13:53 -99 29-Apr-2011 09:14:54 alt 675 width 60 29-Apr-2011 09:15:54 alt 247.5 637.5 width 60 112.5 29-Apr-2011 09:16:55 alt 247.5 645 width 52.5 105 First line: there is no cloud measured by the LIDAR at the 09:13:53, day 29-Apr-2011. Second Line: there is ONE cloud layer, at height 675m above the LIDAR, with a width of 60m. Third Line: there are TWO layers,the first at 247.5m above the LIDAR, with a width of 60m, the second at 637.5 m above the LIDAR, with a width of 112.5m. contact: riad.bourayou@cptec.inpe.br alan.calheiros@cptec.inpe.br