RINEX file is a Receiver Independent Exchange Format Data. Receiver Independent Exchange Format (RINEX) is data interchange format for raw satellite navigation system data. To convert from t00 to tgb use software runpkr00.exe in Microsoft Windows runpkr00.exe -d -g -v nameoffile.t00 Where: -d generates the dat file -g reads the additional nt27 -v verbose To convert the file tgd to rinex: teqc -tr d -week 1569 -O.r "CPTEC" -O.ag "INPE" -O.o "Sapucci" -O.at "TRM41249.00 NONE" -O.an 60079978 +obs + +nav + -O.obs L1L2P1P2C1C2D1D2S1S2L5C5D5S5 -O.dec 1 -tbin 1d alca RS4533255085201002021800a.tgd If the antenna height is to change, add the key -O.pe h n e example: -O.pe 0.0025 0.000 0.0000 teqc -help | more