After download, compile and install the model:

  1. Install the data files:

    The BRAMS 5.5 needs some fixed files:

    a) Tables (some tables for parametrizations)

    cd bin
    xz -d tables_2118.tar.xz
    tar -xvf tables_2118.tar

    b) Fixed data (vegetation, NDVI, sst, topography, etc)

    tar -xvf datafix.tar
    cd datafix
    xz -d *.xz
    cd ..
  2. Create some auxiliary directories for datain and dataout (to/from model):

    mkdir datain
    mkdir datain/GRADS
    mkdir datain/GFS
    mkdir datain/QUEIMA
    mkdir dataout
    mkdir dataout/ANL
    mkdir dataout/HIS
    mkdir dataout/IVAR
    mkdir dataout/IC
    mkdir dataout/LOG
    mkdir dataout/SFC
    mkdir datout/UMD
    mkdir dataout/POST
  1. Datain Initial conditions (IC/CC):

    To obtain datain please see the PRE-BRAMS install. The data will be generate from GFS model and the IC/CC will de write in bin format (grads). Then the data must be moved to datain/GRADS (or the output from pre-brams set to that directory).

  2. Geting the BRAMS Namelist (RAMSIN):


  3. Edit the RAMSIN acordingly your preferences:

    a) Data, domain, grid position, resolution and delta:

    ****Please, is important to know that the model does not implement grid nesting yet. You must only use one grid.

    Adjust the parameters (bellow) to your preferences:

    TIMEUNIT = 'h', ! 'h','m','s' - Time units of TIMMAX, TIMSTR
    TIMMAX = 24., !48., ! Final time of simulation
    IMONTH1 =02, ! Month
    IDATE1 =03, ! Day
    IYEAR1 =2021, ! Year
    ITIME1 = 0000, ! GMT of model TIME = 0.
    ! Grid specifications
    NNXP = 30, ! Number of x gridpoints
    NNYP = 30, ! Number of y gridpoints
    NNZP = 45, ! Number of z gridpoints
    DELTAX = 20000.,
    DELTAY = 20000., ! X and Y grid spacing [m]
    DELTAZ = 80., ! Z grid spacing (set to 0. to use ZZ)
    DZRAT = 1.08, ! Vertical grid stretch ratio
    DTLONG = 120., ! Coarse grid long timestep [~4 x DELTAX/1000]
    POLELAT = -22.6, ! Latitude of pole point
    POLELON = -45.2, ! Longitude of pole point
    CENTLAT = -22.6,
    CENTLON = -45.2,

    b) Type and frequency of output:

       IPOS     =  2,                ! 0-no files, 2-grads files, 1-hdf5(not available yet) 
       IOUTPUT  =  0,                ! 0-no files, 1-save ASCII, 2-save binary
       HFILOUT  = './HIS/hOPQUE',      ! History file prefix
       AFILOUT  = './ANL/OPQUE',       ! Analysis file prefix
       FRQANL   = 10800.,            ! Analysis file frequency in seconds

    Use IPOS=2 and IOUTPUT = 0 for output in GRADS. In this case You don't need to postprocess with RAMSPOST code.

    c) Setup for INITIAL conditions (IC/CC):

    The model can get IC/CC data right from GRADS files generated by PRE-BRAMS. IN this case You must set some parameter as show bellow.

    ! Makevfile information IC = Initial Conditions

    ICFILETYPE=4, !0- ISAN using dprep, 1- do ISAN using NCEP GFS GRIB2,
                      !2- ISAN using netCDF 4-Get from grads

    INITIAL_LATITUDE = -70., !Initial latitude for domain of model (-90 to 90)

    FINAL_LATITUDE  = 29., !Final latitude for domain of model(-90 to 90)

    INITIAL_LONGITUDE = 250., !Initial longitude for domain of model (0 to 360)

    FINAL_LONGITUDE = 358., !Final longitude for domain of model (0 to 360)

Adjust the initial and final latitude and longitude acordingly You generate data on pre-brams. For the domain of interest with some lateral boundaries.

*d) Setup for the output *

The postprocess phase of the model, when IPOS=2 is made during the run time of BRAMS. The set of variables to be write ans geographic information are set in RAMSIN.

       NVP = 40,
       VP ='topo',         
       'lai'       ,
       'rv'        ,           
   !fim variaveis scamtec
            'sfc_press' ,
            'albedt'    ,
            'tempk'     ,
            'cucldp'    ,
            'curtdp'    ,
            'cuthdp'    ,

       GPREFIX = './dataout/POST/brams',
       CSVFILE = './variables.csv',
       ANL2GRA = 'ONE',

       MEAN_TYPE ='BAV', 
       LATI = -90.,-90.,    -90., -90.,
       LATF = +90.,+90.,    +90., +90., 
       LONI = -180.,-180., -180.,-180.,
       LONF =  180.,180.,   180., 180.,

       ZLEVMAX = 32,32,32,32,

       IPRESSLEV = 1,
       INPLEVS = 19,
       IPLEVS = 1000, 925, 900, 850, 800, 750, 700, 650, 600, 550, 500, 450, 400, 350, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100,
       ASCII_DATA ='NO',
       SITE_LAT =-10.76,
       SITE_LON =-62.36,

Set the number of variables to output adjusting NVP. The name of variables are defined in VP separated by commas. All the variables You can use ar describe in file variables.csv

  1. Runing the model:

    The model must be run in 3 phases: MAKESFC, MAKEVFILE and INITIAL. The MAKESFC phase build the surface files, vegetantion, topography, etc setting it for user preferences (domain, resolution, etc). The MAKEVFILE phase get the data from IC/CC and interpolate they for model resolution and grid. The INITAIL makes the time integration of model and produces the output.

    For MAKESFC phase set RUNTYPE in RAMSIN:


    And than, run the model using mpirun bu with only one processor:

    /opt/apps/bin/mpirun -np 1 brams-5.5 -f RAMSIN

    For MAKEVFILE phase set RUNTYPE in RAMSIN:


    And than, run the model using mpirun bu with only one processor:

    /opt/apps/bin/mpirun -np 1 brams-5.5 -f RAMSIN

    For INITIAL phase set RUNTYPE in RAMSIN:


    And than, run the model using mpirun bu with only one processor:

    /opt/apps/bin/mpirun -np 16 brams-5.5 -f RAMSIN

    The phase INITIAL can be run with N processors. The number max of processors depends of number of columns (NNXP x NNYP). The minimum of columns per processor must be 25.