How to Install and Run PRE-BRAMS 5.5
Download the BRAMS 5.5 source from ftp:
Unzip and unpack it
xz -d brams_v5.5.tar.xz tar -xvf brams_v5.5.tar
Goto PRE_BRAMS build directory:
cd BRAMS-5.5/auxProgs/PRE-BRAMS/build/
Edit the file to put your paths: You must setup the paths for GRIB2 and NETCDF installation and the paths for BRAMS instalation. Do not change the FIXED VALUES.
# USER RELATED CHEM_MECH=RELACS_TUV GRIB2_PATH=/lustre_xc50/luiz_flavio/models/BRAMS-5.5/auxProgs/PRE-BRAMS/install/grib2/ NETCDFC_PATH=/opt/cray/pe/netcdf/ NETCDFF_PATH=/opt/cray/pe/netcdf/ # # # RAMS_ROOT=/lustre_xc50/luiz_flavio/models/BRAMS-5.5 # FIXED VALUES SRC_PATH=../src CHEM_MODEL_PATH=$(RAMS_ROOT)/src/brams/ccatt/$(CHEM_MECH) DUMP_PATH=$(RAMS_ROOT)/src/utils/dump/ BRAMS_INCLUDE=$(RAMS_ROOT)/src/utils/include
If You have no grib2 or NetCDF installed see the section 11 and following.
compile the code:
make OPT=gnu clean make OPT=gnu
The compilation is prepared only to gfortran. If You use another compiler copy the include file and creates another one for the new compiler.
If everything is ok a executable (prep_1.0) will be created in bin diretory on PRE-BRAMS bin directory
Goto bin directory and create a data directory for test
cd ../bin mkdir data cd data
You must create the data directory in other directory if You prefer.
Download a set of data from NCEP/GFS for test:
wget wget wget wget wget
The example above is for date 2021 02 03, just one day of data.
Download the CAMS aerosol/chem climatology:
if You will run the model for South America locations:
if You will run the model for others locations:
The climatology files must be downloaded just once. Keep it in some directory for future uses.
Setup the namelist file:
go to your bin directory (
cd ..
)edit the pre.nml file
$ARGS_INPUT !!!!! DATE !!!!! init_year = 2021, init_month = 02 init_day = 03 init_hour = 0, final_year = 2021 final_month= 02 final_day = 04 final_hour = 00, !!!!! TIME STEP !!!!!!! step = 6, !Timestep in hours !!!!! ATMOS !!!!! atmos_type = 1, !0=DP, 1=GFS Grib2 atmos_prefix ='gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.f', atmos_sufix ='.2021020300.grib2', atmos_idir ='./data/GFS_0p25/', levels = 23, initial_latitude = -70., !initial latitude for domain of model (-90 to 90) final_latitude = 20., !final latitude for domain of model(-90 to 90) initial_longitude = 250., !initial longitude for domain of model (0 to 360) final_longitude = 358., !Final longitude for domain of model (0 to 360) !!!!! CHEM !!!!!! chem_type = 1, !0 = no Chem, 1 = CAMS chem_idir = "./data/", chem1_prefix ='', chem1_sufix ='-CAMS-EC-2010-2019-AMS', !!!!! OUTPUT !!!!! out_type = 2, !0=text, 1=VFM, 2=Grads out_prefix = 'IC', out_sufix = '', out_dir = './', $END
See that initial and final latitude and longitude must be greater then your domain area of interest. In the case above the area is over South America. For GFS input keep 23 levels. The output is pointed for Grads file. Use it! The model now works with bin file in input.
Run the code:
A bunch of information will be displayed in screen. If is all ok the IC/CC will be write in IC file at out_dir directory pointed in namelist.
Install WGRIB2 API package from NCEP
In order to read grib2 (pattern data file), the model uses wgrib2 lib & API.
Create a install directory, download and install it.
mkdir ~/~install cd ~/install wget tar -zxvf wgrib2.tgz cd grib2
Edit (use Your editor) the makefile, search the directives bellow and change accordingly the values:
Now continue the instalation:
make CC=gcc FC=gfortran make CC=gcc FC=gfortran lib cd .. sudo mv grib2 /opt
If You prefer or don't have sudo permission You can use another directory to put the code.
Install the NetCDF C libraries and packages
The model use NetCDF Unidata file format to read and write files. Get the C NetCDF C library and files at Unidata [NetCDF Download site](Unidata | Downloads | NetCDF)
Get the Stable Release of NETCDF-C Releases (Gziped format). After download it:
cd ~/install
mv ~/Downloads/netcdf-c-4.7.3.tar.gz .
tar -xzvf netcdf-c-4.7.3.tar.gz
cd netcdf-c-4.7.3
./configure --prefix=/opt/netcdfc FC=/opt/mpich3/bin/mpif90 CC=/opt/mpich3/bin/mpicc LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/hdf5/lib CFLAGS='-I/opt/hdf5/include' LIBS='-L/opt/hdf5/lib'
sudo make install
> The version 4.7.3 above is only an example. You must try newest if available.
> Don't use a version < 4.7.3
> You will need a MPI instaled
Install the NetCDF Fortran libraries and packages
Get the Fortran NetCDF Fortran library and files at Unidata NetCDF Download site (the same above). Roll the page some lines. Get the Stable Release of NetCDF-Fortran Releases (Gziped format). After download it:
cd ~/install mv ~/Downloads/netcdf-fortran-4.5.2.tar.gz . tar -xzvf netcdf-fortran-4.5.2.tar.gz cd netcdf-fortran-4.5.2 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/netcdfc/lib:/opt/hdf5/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export CC=/opt/mpich3/bin/mpicc export FC=/opt/mpich3/bin/mpif90 export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/netcdfc/include -I/opt/hdf5/include" export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/netcdfc/lib -L/opt/hdf5/lib" ./configure --prefix=/opt/netcdff make sudo make install