comgsi/docker A light-weighted GSI/EnKF-focused Docker Container (comgsi/docker) is available to community users. This is a brief guide on how to run GSI/EnKF tutorial cases using this comgsi/docker container. ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. ** Prerequisites ** ----------------------------------------------------------- You must have the "docker" software installed on you computer. Please visit on to download and install docker. We don't have resources to support the installation of the "docker" sofware. Please seek helps from the Docker community on this issue. However, here we share some installation experiences on some platforms and hope they helps in some ways: (1). For MAC users, just download "docker" from its official website and install it. You will need Administrator privildage to install docker on MAC. (2). For Debian/Ubuntu based Linux systems (recent releases), run the following command: curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" sudo apt-get update apt-cache policy docker-ce sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce Note1: if curl is not avaialbe, use wget instead as follows: wget; cat gpg | apt-key add - Note2: You will need System Administrator priviledge to install docker. (3). For Windows users, it is highly remmended to install VirtualBox, and then setup an Ubuntu-based virtual machine using VirtualBox. In this Ubuntu-based virtual machine, you can install docker following the above step (2). Download VirtualBox at: Download a pre-built XUbuntu virtual machine image at: Note: -- Per our experiences, docker running inside VirtualBox has much better performance and user experiences than running Docker on Windows directly. -- We only tested this on Windows 10. ----------------------------------------------------------- 2. ** Get and run comgsi/docker ** ----------------------------------------------------------- (1) On you computer, create a directory for running GSI/EnKF in docker, e.g: mkdir GSI-Docker; cd GSI-Docker Be sure you have enough free space in this directory (10GB is preferred) (2) Obtain the comgsi/docker image: There are two methods to get the comgsi/docker image: a. run the command "docker pull comgsi/docker" docker will download comgsi/docker from automatically. The comgsi/docker container is 695MB in size. If you download speed from is too slow, consider the method b b. download comgsi_docker.tar.gz (262MB) from DTC website then "gunzip comgsi_docker.tar.gz" and then "docker load -i comgsi_docker.tar" (3) start the comgsi/docker: First, run the following command to generate a run script "rungsidocker": echo 'docker run -h GSI_Docker -v "$(pwd)":/tutorial -ti --rm comgsi/docker' > rungsidocker; chmod +x rungsidocker Now, you can just type "./rungsidocker" to start the comgsi/docker each time (4) Once the comgsi/docker is started sucessfully, you will be in the docker and see outputs similar as: comgsi@GSI_Docker:/tutorial$ NOTE1: This /tutorail is a mapping of the directory under your host system where you execute the "rungsidocker" command. This mapping enables you to access files inside docker from your host system and your works will not disappear after you exit the docker. NOTE2: Three directories build/ case_data/ run/ will be created automatically under /tutorial. (5) Lauch more shells of comgsi/docker: This step is not required, but very helpful if you want to open two or more shells of comgsi/docker. -- open a new shell window in your host system (NOT in docker), type "docker ps". This lists all running containers. You will get outputs similar as follows: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES f278376baef3 comgsi/docker "/bin/bash" 12 minutes ago Up 12 minutes suspicious_snyder -- Now you know that the comgsi/docker container ID is: f278376baef3, type: docker exec -it f278376baef3 bash and you are now in a new shell of comgsi/docker ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. ** run GSI/EnKF in comgsi/docker ** ----------------------------------------------------------- All the following steps are done in the shell of the comgsi/docker container. (1) Download the GSI/EnKF release tarball from the DTC website and move it to the directory created in step 2.1: (2) In the docker, at the /tutorial directory, you should be able to "ls comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3.tar.gz" now tar xvfz comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3.tar.gz (2) Compile GSI/EnKF cd build cmake ../comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3 make Depends on your host computer, it takes up to 10~20 minutes to complete the compiling. If you don't want to compile from source codes, you can skip step (2) and download pre-compiled executables from DTC website: wget tar xvfz precompiled.tar.gz (3) Link executables into run/ cd ../run ln -sf ../build/bin/gsi.x . ln -sf ../build/bin/enkf_wrf.x . (4) Now you can run all tutorial cases under the run/ directory following instructions on the DTC website NOTE1: You can download all case data into /tutorial/case_data directory NOTE2: On the comgsi/docker, you can run executables in MPI mode if it is assigned multiple cores e.g.: mpirun -n 2 run.case03-conv.ksh For any questions, contact us at by Guoqing Ge, 2018/9/20